Total Txs:
Total Supply: TIA
Total Blobs Size:0 Byte
Total Fees: TIA
Cost Saving Calculator
Rollup Estimation Cost Discover the potential cost benefits of building on Celestia, modular blockchain network.
Rollup Stack
Optimism $26.69
Orbit $39.09
Transaction Type
ERC20 Transfer120 Bytes
ERC721 Mint650 Bytes
UniV3 Swap1,200 Bytes
Expected transactions
Using L2 the expected cost ~$305,443, with Celestia ~$5,993 for 100M transactions
$299,449 You'll save using Celestia
$0.00002 Price per Mb in Celestia
~98.04% You'll pay % less
$5,993 Settlement Cost
This estimation assumes a constant $TIA price. It should only be used as an estimation and reference to compare what-if scenarios.
TIA Price $0
Average Gas 945,640
Price per gas 0.002 UTIA
Avg batch size 100 KiB / block
Avg num of shares 215
Use EIP-4844
Build with Celenium API
Unlock the power of Celestia: Scalable, Secure and Modular Blockchain.
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